Life and Code: An Update


It's been a short while since my last entry, although I have a few blogs in queue waiting to be finished, so I figured I'd give a brief update on what's going on in my life. In case you didn't know


Isn't that amazing? I've been in college since ~2005 (this is my second degree), so graduating is a *HUGE* deal for me. I can't wait to see how my career and life will develop.  So, since graduating, I've been packing, moving, submitting applications, and overall just adjusting to a new way of life.

I have way more free time than I've had in a LONG time. Since I just moved, I've mostly been unpacking and getting settled in, but today I decided to take a break and to do something for myself... I downloaded two books--check out OverDrive--and I started Free Code Camp. "Why would you sign up for freeCodeCamp if you have a BS in Software Engineering?" because it looks awesome, that's why! It will teach me things that I don't already know and keep me actively programming. I don't have a job yet, so it will be a good way to keep myself busy and learning. Additionally, they program for nonprofits and I am all about volunteer work!

You can expect more posts, now that I'm a bit more settled in. Until then, I'll be off working on my resume. If anyone has advice, feel free to shoot me a message!



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