Free Code Camp: CatPhotoApp
The jist of it Created a basic web app using Bootstrap. Practiced implementing forms, buttons, divs, and images with a responsive design. Nothing crazy here, just an introduction to web dev. Tools HTML CSS Bootstrap Challenges I have basic web experience from my college projects and personal portfolio, so I haven't experienced any great challenges yet. Things I learned Sometimes people create dead links: <a href= "#" ></a> Always have alt text in a photo for screen readers: <img src="cat.jpg" alt="A cute orange cat" > Use a place holder for forms: <input type="text" placeholder="Enter text here" > Make the form mandatory by adding keyword 'required': <input type="text" required > Submit a form with pure html: <form action=" /some-link ">form goes here</form> Radio buttons (another type of input) should each be within their own label and...